Rosh Hashana 5780 is approaching, which means that it’s almost time to reflect on the past year, make “resolutions” for the year ahead, and celebrate this special time with family and friends.
It also means that it’s time to look back at the past year in Israeli music!
As usual, many newspapers and radio stations throughout Israel will count down their songs of the year in the days leading up to Rosh Hashana. But this year, Kan Gimmel will take things a step further.
We’re approaching the start of a new decade, both on the secular calendar and on its Jewish counterpart. The Jewish year 5780 begins on Sunday night, September 29th, and the secular year 2020 begins just a few weeks afterwards. So the folks at Kan Gimmel decided that, instead of simply counting down the songs of the YEAR, they would bring us a user-generated list of the songs of the DECADE.
Voting is now open on the Kan Gimmel web site. Although the site is entirely in Hebrew, voting is pretty easy regardless of your level of fluency. All you need to do is select your 15 favorite Israeli songs released in the last ten years, then vote for your favorite female singer, male singer, and group of the decade.

Bet you can’t choose just 15…
I’ll tell you now, though – that’s no easy task. As you scroll through the list of hundreds of tracks, you’ll see some amazing songs that haven’t crossed your mind in years.
Ten years spans the ENTIRE CAREERS of artists like Eden Ben Zaken, Hanan Ben Ari, Static and Ben-El, Ishay Ribo, Netta Barzilai, and others who are now household names in Israeli music. Hard to believe that ten years ago, no one had heard of any of them!
Ten years ago, Arik Einstein and Yigal Bashan were still with us. When the decade began, artists like Omer Adam, Roni Dalumi, Nathan Goshen, and Dudu Aharon were just getting started. In 2010, Noa Kirel was only 8 years old.
Need a refresher? Good news: Kan Gimmel posted a playlist of many of the songs on Spotiffy!
Which songs got the most airplay?
ACUM, the Society of Authors, Composers and Music Publishers in Israel, recently published its list of the most played songs on Israeli radio over the past ten years. Let’s just say the Israeli public still has a strong affinity towards Zohar Argov. Here are the top 10:
- Michtav L’achi – Elai Botner & Kobi Aflalo
- Shir Shel Yom Chulin – Ilanot
- Mechuzakim LaOlam – Avraham Tal
- Nachon L’hayom – Zohar Argov, Eyal Golan
- Mechakeh – Rita, Idan Raichel
- Orot – Avraham Tal
- Tzel Etz Tamar – Zohar Argov, Karolina
- HaPerach B’gani – Zohar Argov
- Or Gadol – Amir Dadon
- MeRov Ahava – Yossi Banai
My personal list? OK, fine. I’ll tell you.
But before I do, you should know a few things: 1. This was freaking IMPOSSIBLE. 2. There were a number of songs NOT on the list that I would have happily voted for. 3. I have a soft spot for anything sung by Shiri Maimon, and so my list may be just a tad imbalanced. 4. This really was freaking IMPOSSIBLE.
OK, here goes, in no particular order:
- Rami Kleinstein & Keren Peles – Todah
- Shiri Maimon & Shimon Buskila – Shir Tikva
- Various Artists – Shevet Achim Va’achayot
- Rita & Meshi Kleinstein – K’chi Lach
- Gilad Segev & Miri Messika – Kolot HaLev
- Static & Ben-El Tavori – Silsulim
- Shiri Maimon – Neshima
- Rami Kleinstein – Matanot K’tanot
- Hanan Ben Ari – Wikipedia
- Hatikva 6 – Hachi Yisraeli
- Moshe Peretz & Omer Adam – Hee Rak Rotza Lirkod
- Shiri Maimon & Shimon Buskila – Geshem SheYavo
- Roni Dalumi – Ish Shel Laila
- Harel Ska’at – B’chayai
- Idan Amedi – Nigmar
Female singer of the decade: After much deliberation, I chose Miri Messika, (mostly because Shiri wasn’t listed). I really enjoy her music and her voice.
Male singer of the decade: He probably won’t win, but I chose Hanan Ben Ari. He’s a talented musician with an incredible voice and a very bright future.
Group of the decade: I really wanted to choose Eli Botner & Yaldei HaChutz, but I had no choice but to select Shiri Maimon & Shimon Buskila. They don’t really belong in this category, but what can I do?
As hard as it was to choose, I really enjoyed this experience. It got me thinking of songs I hadn’t heard in ages, and it was a lot of fun to vote. I can’t wait to hear the winners!
Go on and choose 15 songs. I dare you. You may have a tough time selecting, but in any event, you’ll certainly enjoy a fun walk down memory lane. Care to share YOUR selections?