August has come and gone, and with its passing, many of us are back to a “normal” lifestyle. Schools are back in session, summer vacations are behind us, and the busy Jewish holiday season is only weeks away.
But while you were relaxing over the summer, your favorite Israeli artists have been hard at work, cranking out one hit after another. Here are ten of the most popular songs on Israeli radio stations this past month.
1. Static & Ben-El – Bananot
Not surprisingly, the duo’s newest release enjoyed a ton of airplay throughout August, spending week after week in the top 10. Static and Ben-El‘s newest offering, an African themed hit called “Bananot”, is their latest hit to enjoy long-term success. Just try to get it out of your head…
2. Omer Adam – Termperatura
Don’t like Omer Adam? Then by all means, don’t listen to the radio in Israel. For the rest of us, this happy, upbeat tune was the perfect soundtrack for a day at the beach. The current undisputed king of Israeli music released five songs in one day back in June, but this hit – Temperatura – is the one that’s kept everyone humming along all summer. That is, until his latest track came out…
3. Noa Kirel – Pouch
Someone needs to explain this to me. What’s with Noa Kirel‘s fascination with fanny packs? Is it a metaphor for something else? Am I too naive to understand? Whatever. In any event, the song shows off Noa’s personality nicely, and the video shows off Noa’s body nicely. Another winner from mega-producer “Jordi”, best known for producing all of Static & Ben-El’s many hits. Oh, and speaking of Noa Kirel…
4. Keren Peles – Mi Ani
Keren Peles may have written and recorded her new hit, “Mi Ani” (Who Am I), but Noa Kirel was all over the video, dancing her way through this upbeat tune. This was Keren’s first solo hit after two very successful recordings with Ron Bochnik, and yup, she’s still got it. Can’t wait to see her when she comes to visit the USA this November.
5. Shir – Hu
“Hu” in the world is Shir…and how did she spend most of the summer at #1 in radio airplay? Turns out her name is Shir Chaimov, she’s 19, and she’s achieved notoriety as part of the Israeli Army Band (Lahakat HaTzva’it). But somehow, her first solo offering shot straight to #1, and stayed there for many weeks. Suddenly, Shir’s shir (song) became the most popular song in Israel this summer.
6. Eliad – Masa
Another song that spent most of the summer in the top 3 was the red-hot “Masa” (Journey) by Eliad. It’s a catchy pop tune, Eliad sounds great, and Israelis couldn’t get enough. What else is there to say?
7. Eden Ben Zaken – Bonsoir
Eden Ben Zaken is a woman who just doesn’t quit. At the exact moment that her previous hit begins to fade from popularity, she’s inevitably back with a new one. She sings, she dances, she remains in your head…that is, until a few months from now – when her next single drops.
8. Eli Botner & Kobi Aflalo – Eich Masbirim Ga’agua
Eli Botner writes songs for other singers, and then takes top billing in the title. Genius, actually. But then again, he writes darn good music, so why not? The last time these two got together, Kobi Aflalo sang Elai’s excellent “Michtav L’achi” – a tough act to follow for sure. But the masses have spoken, and their follow-up is a hit (with a cute animated music video too!)
9. Shlomi Shabbat – Itach
We already told you about the upcoming album to pay tribute to the late Yigal Bashan, scheduled for release in December. But the first song on the album is already out, and it’s a hit. Shlomi Shabbat covers Yigal Bashan‘s “Itach” nearly as well as Yigal Bashan, and the nostalgia factor has got the public’s attention. The music video features Yigal’s widow Mika looking on as Shlomi records the song. So sad he’s gone…
10. Shlomi Pablo (Shlomi Shabbat & Pablo Rosenberg) – U’vaLaila
What is it about Shlomi and Pablo that makes them so much fun in duet? Could it be the Spanish musical themes so often heard in their songs? Perhaps it’s because they both look like they’re having a great time performing? Could it be because it’s evident that they genuinely like each other? Maybe because they even kinda look like each other? Whatever the reason, “U’vaLaila” is a fun ride that’ll have you clapping along in no time.
That’s our round-up of August’s best Israeli music. Which was your favorite?