
Static & Ben-El Tavori: “Imale”

I’m not going to lie. I’m posting this mainly because Static & Ben-El are still insanely popular and I know I will get a nice bump in traffic numbers from posting their latest single.

With that said, I’m generally a fan of Static and Ben-El Tavori’s music. Their songs tend to be catchy and memorable. My sentiments about them were best expressed by DJ Antithesis on TLV1’s Kol Cambridge podcast. As he put it, you may hate their songs at first listen, but after the second or third time, you can’t get the song out of your head.

And while I feel that some of their decisions might be a bit misguided (such as their first attempt at a song in English), I usually enjoy their overall style and sound.

I don’t feel that way about their newest, “Imale” (pronounced “Ima-leh”), released this morning. I’ve listened about 6 times so far, and I just can’t get myself to appreciate this one.

It’s title reflects what is probably the most overused expression in Israel today. Somehow, over the past six months, EVERYONE in Israel is reacting with “Imale”. Search for the hashtag #אמאלה on Instagram, and you’ll see thousands of posts. For those out of the loop, it’s used as an expression of “wow!” or “OMG”. Or as my wife put it, one might yell “Imaleeeeeeeeeeeeeh” while riding a roller coaster.

Annoyingly overused? Too bad. Never the type to shy away from a fad, Static & Ben-El have officially made the expression cool for at least another six months.

But for me, at least for now, it’s probably my least favorite Static / Ben-El song yet. What do you think of the new single? Let us know in the comments!

One Comment on “Static & Ben-El Tavori: “Imale”

January 10, 2020 at 5:43 am

It’s such a good song in my opinion. I just would like to find the lyrics in English.


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