Welcome to Israel Hour Radio’s annual AUGUST CHAGIGOT! Each week during the month of August, we’ll devote our show to a particular topic in Israeli music. And today? We celebrate the Israeli weekend (regardless of how you celebrate it) with our Chagigat Shirei Shabbat…an hour of Israeli songs about Shabbat! While some spend their Saturdays immersed in prayer and study, others spend it at the beach, in the park, or in the club. For many, it’s a combination of all of the above…with a festive Friday night dinner and quality family time at home. No matter how you spend your day, however, Shabbat in Israel is a very special time, with a feeling unlike anywhere else in the world. Shabbat Shalom! (Original Air Date: August 4, 2024)
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Israel Hour Radio Podcast – Episode #1199 – Playlist
- Sarit Hadad – Yachad Nenatze’ach (Together We Will Prevail) | Translation | YouTube
- Benzeen – Yom Shishi (Friday) | Translation | YouTube
- Ro’ee Bitan – Shabbat | YouTube
- Tipex – Od Shabbat (Another Sabbath) | Transliteration | YouTube
- Roni Goldberg feat. Nimrod Lev – Lecha Dodi (Come My Beloved) | Translation | YouTube
- Omer Adam – Yom HaShishi (Friday) | Translation | YouTube
- Shalva Band – Shalom Aleichem (Peace Upon You) | Translation | YouTube
- Yonatan Razel – Dror Yikra (He Will Call For Freedom) | Translation | YouTube
- Arik Einstein – Shabbat BaBoker (Saturday Morning) | Translation | YouTube
- Chava Alberstein – Shir Leil Shabbat (A Song For Sabbath Eve) | Translation | YouTube
- Halehakot HaTzva’iyot – Lo Yotze Shabbat (Not Leaving For Shabbat) | YouTube
- Rami Kleinstein – Matanot Ktanot (Small Gifts) | Translation | YouTube
YouTube Playlist: Click Here