The Summer Olympics are taking place this week in Paris, France, with the spirit of brotherhood, unity, multiculturalism, and competitiveness on full display around the world. These are values shared by every Israeli, and we wish more than anything that our biggest conflicts with other nations were settled on the playing field rather than the battlefield. Israelis love to sing about their own country, but they also love to sing about other countries they admire around the world. So this week on Israel Hour Radio, in the spirit of multiculturalism – and in hopes for world peace – we bring you Israeli songs about countries around the world. Fasten your seatbelt, because we’re taking you on a whirlwind journey to France, England, Iceland, Brazil, the UAE, Greece, and many more exciting destinations! You don’t even need your passport! (Original Air Date: July 28, 2024)
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Israel Hour Radio Podcast – Episode #1198 – Playlist
- Lior Narkis & Avraham Tal – B’yachad Nenatze’ach (Together We Will Prevail) | Translation | YouTube
- Naomi Shemer – Etzlenu BeChatzer (Next To Us In the Courtyard) | YouTube
- Nurit Galron – Sfinoteha (Her Ships) | Translation | YouTube
- Yael Naim – Paris | Translation | YouTube
- Chava Alberstein – London | Translation | YouTube
- Hatikva 6 & Infected Mushroom – Ko Pha Ngan | Translation | YouTube
- Shlomo Artzi – Iceland | Translation | YouTube
- Static, Ben-El Tavori, Eden Ben Zaken, Stephane Legar – Yassu | Translation | YouTube
- Agam Buchbut – Kmo B’Rio (Like In Rio) | Translation | YouTube
- Stephane Legar – Ani B’Dubai (I’m in Dubai) | Translation | YouTube
- Jo Amar – Barcelona | Translation | YouTube
- Gali Atari – Nepal | Translation | YouTube
- Yagel Oshri – LaTzeit MiDica’on (To Get Out of Depression) | Translation | YouTube
YouTube Playlist: Click Here