OK, reality check. 2009 was FIFTEEN years ago. Yup, you heard that right. While it may seem like only yesterday to many of us, 2009 marked a significant year in history and music, leaving a lasting impact on our lives (and our Spotify playlists!). It was also the year Michael Jackson passed away, former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was indicted for corruption, and Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States. What were the most popular Israeli songs of 2009? Let’s take a trip in the Israeli Music Time Machine – and a walk down memory lane — to find out! What are your memories and milestones of 2009? (Original Air Date: July 7, 2024)
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Israel Hour Radio Podcast – Episode #1195 – Playlist
- Lior Narkis & Avraham Tal – B’Yachad Nenatze’ach (Together We Will Prevail) | Translation | YouTube
- Avraham Fried – Rak T’fila (Only Prayer) | Translation | YouTube
- Harel Skaat – Muvan Li Achshav (I Understand Now) | Translation | YouTube
- Shiri Maimon – Chelek Mimcha (A Part of You) | Translation | YouTube | English Version
- Sarit Hadad – Mekudeshet (Betrothed) | Translation | YouTube
- HaPeel HaKachol – Yasmin (Jasmine) | Translation | YouTube
- Dor Daniel – Makom L’tzidech (A Place Next To You) | Translation | YouTube
- MeHaMerchakim – Gali Atari & Sagiv Cohen (From Far Distances) | Translation | YouTube
- Idan Raichel Project – She’eriyot Shel HaChayim (Remnants of Life) | Translation | YouTube
- Idan Raichel Project – Chalomot Shel Acherim – (Dreams of Others) | Translation | YouTube
- Evyatar Banai – Ad Machar (Until Tomorrow) | Translation | YouTube
- Evyatar Banai – Aba (Father) | Translation | YouTube
- Eyal Golan – Zeh Ani (It’s Me) | Translation | YouTube
YouTube Playlist: Click Here