We recorded this episode moments before Yom HaZikaron began in Israel, not sure of what to expect in this very strange and difficult year. So much has happened since last year’s national ‘high holiday season’ in Israel. So much pain, so much fear, so much destruction, so much anxiety. How can we bear the burden of Memorial Day this year? How can we CELEBRATE Independence Day in a year like this? Well, perhaps music can help. This year, Israel’s musical community has worked hard to create songs that capture this year’s unique spirit, from sounds of pain to sounds of pride. Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut may be behind us, but this week’s songs will help you hold on to the powerful emotions you’ve undoubtedly felt all week long – and throughout the past seven months. (Original Air Date: May 12, 2024)
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Israel Hour Radio Podcast – Episode #1189 – Playlist
- Noga Erez – Shir Lelo Shem (A Song Without a Name) | Translation | YouTube
- Harel Skaat, Elai Botner, and IDF Orphans – Yeled Aba V’ima (Child, Father, and Mother) | Translation | YouTube
- Shlomi Shabbat – Bo’ee Ima (Come, Mother) | YouTube
- Meshi Kleinstein – Zeh Lo HaZman Lalechet (It’s Not Time To Go) | Translation | YouTube
- Gilad Segev – Yeled Gibor (Hero Child) | YouTube (with English subtitles)
- Ilai Botner & Yaldei HaChutz – Bayit Lachazor (A Home To Return To) | YouTube
- Hatikva 6 – Giborei Al (Super Heroes) | Translation | YouTube
- Miri Mesika – Ho Artzi Moladeti (Oh My Homeland) | Translation | YouTube
- Leah Shabbat & Lehakat Chel Ha’avir – Rak Biglal HaRuach (Just Because of Our Spirit) | Translation | YouTube
- Noa Kirel & Shiri Maimon – Hee Bidiyuk Kamoni (She’s Just Like Me) | YouTube
- Avraham Tal & Lior Narkis – B’yachad Nenatze’ach (Together We Will Prevail) | YouTube
- Koolulam & Shlomi Shabbat – Al Kol Eileh (For All These) | Translation | YouTube
YouTube Playlist: Click Here