What does it mean to be a hero? What does it mean to be a JEWISH hero? And what can we learn about heroes from the tragic events of October 7? This week, we are honored to welcome Israeli singer Gilad Segev, creator of “Project Heroes”. Ever since October 7, Gilad has spent his time gathering heroic stories from that Black Shabbat…stories of heroes who sacrificed their own lives to save countless others. These stories inspired Gilad so much that he set many of them to music, and now he’s presenting them in a series of special concerts throughout the US and Canada. Gilad has a lot to say about the lessons our heroes can teach us. Don’t miss this inspiring interview! (Original Air Date: May 5, 2024)
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Israel Hour Radio Podcast – Episode #1188 – Playlist
- Sarit Hadad – Yachad Nenatze’ach (Together We Will Win) | Translation | YouTube
- Gilad Segev – Achshav Tov (It’s Good Now) | Translation | YouTube
- Gilad Segev – Zo She’nishara (The One Who Stayed) | YouTube (with English subtitles)
- Gilad Segev – B’yadayim Chasufot (With Bare Hands) | YouTube (with English subtitles)
- Gilad Segev – LaNetzach B’tochi (Forever Inside Me) | YouTube (with English subtitles)
- Subliminal & Miri Ben Ari – Adon Olam Ad Matai | YouTube (with English subtitles)
YouTube Playlist: Click Here