Clay Aiken once said: “A song can be more than words and music … when sung with soul a song carries you to another world, to a place where no matter how much pain you feel, you are never alone.” Well, in today’s very painful world, so many in Israel and around the world have turned to singing to help ease the pain and bring people together. Ever since October 7th, the internet has been flooded with videos of communal singing, in which thousands of people filled up auditoriums, stadiums, or schoolyards to sing their hearts out. The result? A few moments of sheer joy. This week’s Israel Hour Radio brings you some of these special performances, in which you can’t help but be swept up by the enthusiasm, unity, and exuberance of these magical musical moments. Tune in, and get ready to smile. (Original Air Date: February 25, 2024)
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Israel Hour Radio Podcast – Episode #1182 – Playlist
- Sarit Hadad – Yachad Nenatze’ach (Together We Will Win) | Translation | YouTube
- Koolulam – Like a Prayer | YouTube
- Koolulam – Al Kol Eileh (For All These Things) | Translation | YouTube
- Homeland Concert – HaBayta (Home) | Translation | YouTube
- Jewish Day Schools of New York & New Jersey – T’fila / Acheinu | YouTube
- Modiin Schools – Peace Songs Medley | YouTube
- Netanya – Eretz Tzvi, Lo Tenatzchu Oti, Maoz Tzur | YouTube
- Netanya Schools – L’chayei Ha’am Hazeh (Here’s to the Life of This Nation) | YouTube
- City of Nes Tziona – Mi Yachol Aleinu (Who Can Defeat Us) | YouTube
- Koolulan with Rita in Tel Aviv – Bo (Come) | Translation | YouTube
- Jewish Community of Australia – Am Yisrael Chai | Translation | YouTube
YouTube Playlist: Click Here