Ask Josh Shron about his ‘happy place,’ and he’ll tell you: number one is on the beach in Tel Aviv, and number two is behind the control board at WRSU Studios in New Jersey. This week he comes to you from Happy Place 2 for the first time in six months, and you can just hear the excitement in his voice! Despite his joy, he also brings along a playlist of emotional songs about the ‘matzav’ (situation)…with new Israeli music mourning those we’ve lost, praying for those we miss, and celebrating our beloved homeland. You’ll also meet Israel’s newly-crowned representative to Eurovision 2024, and get a small taste of her impressive vocal abilities. All in all, it’s an hour of entertainment, emotion, inspiration, and so much more! (Original Air Date: February 11, 2024)
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Israel Hour Radio Podcast – Episode #1180 – Playlist
- Sarit Hadad – Yachad Nenatze’ach (Together We Will Win) | Translation | YouTube
- Kobi Aflalo – Malachim B’madim (Angels in Uniform) | Lyrics | YouTube
- Gil Vein & Roni Dalumi – HaParparim Sheli (My Butterflies) | Translation | YouTube
- Idan Raichel Project – Ad She’tachzeri Elai (Until You Return To Me) | Translation | YouTube
- Micha Bitton – Hutar L’firsum (We’re Allowed To Publicize) | YouTube
- Machluf & Ivri Lider – Yesh Od Chaim (There Is Still Life) | YouTube
- Eden Hason – Tzocheket U’vocha (Laughs and Cries) | Translation | YouTube
- Eden Ben Zaken – Dam Sheli (My Blood) | Translation | YouTube
- Eden Golan – Rise Up | YouTube
- Subliminal V’hatel feat. Raviv Kaner – Zeh Aleinu (It’s On Us) | Translation | YouTube
- Ethnix – Admat Ha’ahava (Beloved Land) | Translation | YouTube
- Eliad, Eden Yosef, Yonatan Segev – B’yom She’acharei (On the Day After) | YouTube
- Mosh Ben Ari – Adam (Man) | Translation | YouTube
- Gad Elbaz – Ima Yekara (Dear Mother) | YouTube
YouTube Playlist: Click Here