We’ve focused on the victims, we’ve focused on the survivors…but how about a show dedicated to the soldiers? The men and women of the IDF are putting their lives on the line each and every day, fighting on the front lines or behind the scenes. They are all true HEROES, defending our right to exist! This week, Israel Hour Radio salutes our chayalim during this time of war, with positive, uplifting songs of strength, heroism, patriotism, and dedication. You’ll emerge from the hour with a heightened sense of pride in our men and women in green! (Original Air Date: January 28, 2024)
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Israel Hour Radio Podcast – Episode #1179 – Playlist
- Sarit Hadad – Yachad Nenatze’ach (Together We Will Win) | Translation | YouTube
- Yagel Oshri & Lahakat Pikud HaTzafon – Latzeit MiDica’on (To Get Out of Depression) | Translation | YouTube
- Hatikva 6 – HaShemesh Tachazor (The Sun Will Return) | Translation | YouTube
- Shai Abramson – Tfila L’shlom Chayalei Tzahal (Prayer for the Welfare of the Soldiers of the IDF) | YouTube
- Yehoram Gaon – Tefilat HaDerech (Prayer for the Journey) | Lyrics | YouTube
- Yehoram Gaon – Lo Tenatzchu Oti (You Won’t Defeat Me) | Translation | YouTube
- Raviv Kaner – Golani Sheli (My Golani) | Translation | YouTube
- Naomi Shemer – Al Kanfei HaKesef (On Silver Wings) | Translation | YouTube
- Lahakat Pikud Mercaz – Shiro Shel Tzanchan (Song of the Paratrooper) | Lyrics | YouTube
- Eliad – Kol Hazman Tzanchan (Always a Paratrooper) | Lyrics | YouTube
- Nadav Guedj – Ein Lach Ma Lid’og (You Have Nothing To Worry About) | Translation | YouTube
- Harel Moyal – Emtza HaLayla BaKfar (Middle of the Night in the Village) | Translation | YouTube
- Lahakot HaTzva’iyot – Bayit Lehilachem (A Home to Fight For) | Translation | YouTube
YouTube Playlist: Click Here