When the world is against us…when no one seems to understand who the ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys’ are…when you’re feeling a sense of despair, loss, and helplessness…that’s when our community can do the most good. Here you’re among people who GET you. You’re with people who share your values. A warm community whose members are going through the same whirlwind of emotions as you are. Tune in to the podcast, and feel like you’re at home – with songs of pride, songs of pain, and songs of unity…all brand new and recorded to help us cope with the stress and sorrow of war. (Original Air Date: November 12, 2023)
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Israel Hour Radio Podcast – Episode #1168 – Playlist
- Sarit Hadad – Yachad Nenatzeach (Together We Will Win) | Translation | YouTube
- Harel Skaat – Yamim Acherim (Other Days) | Translation | YouTube
- Harel Moyal – Besorot Me’ahuvi (News From My Beloved) | YouTube
- Jane Bordeaux – Lo Levad (Not Alone) | Translation | YouTube
- Various Artists – Am Echad Im Shir Echad 2023 (One Nation, One Song) | Lyrics | YouTube
- Various Artists – Am Echad (One Nation) | YouTube
- Sarit Hadad & Eden Hason – Anachnu Zeh Goral (We Are Destiny) | Lyrics | YouTube
- Yagel Oshri – Latzeit MiDica’on (To Get Out of Depression) | Translation | YouTube
- Miri Mesika – Mapal | Lyrics | YouTube
- Osher Cohen – Tirkedi (Dance) | Translation | YouTube
- Aya Korem – Stam Lev (Just a Heart) | Translation | YouTube
YouTube Playlist: Click Here