Our listeners pick their favorite Israeli songs! This time, we’ll meet Leeaht Guzi, who has put together an amazing playlist for your listening pleasure. Leeaht lives in Washington DC with her husband, Amir, moving there after completing her Masters in Government in Israel. She works at a nuclear innovation startup as Director of External Affairs. Growing up with Israeli parents in California, Leeaht spent her summers with her grandparents in the suburbs of Haifa, which cultivated a lifelong love of Israeli music. You’ll love getting to know Leeaht, and you’ll love singing along to her favorite songs! (Original Air Date: January 8, 2023)
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Israel Hour Radio Podcast – Episode #1145 – Playlist
- Avraham Tal – Shavua Tov (Good Week) | Translation | YouTube
- Etnix – Tutim (Berries) | Translation | YouTube
- Tipex – Yesh Li Chavera (I Have a Girlfriend) | Translation | YouTube
- Sarit Hadid – Yalla Lech Habaita Moti (Go Home, Moti) | Translation | YouTube
- Moshe Peretz Yaffa B’llavan (Beautiful In White) | Translation | YouTube
- Doda – Elef Caba’im (A Thousand Firefighters) | Translation | YouTube
- Tzion Golan – Aba Shimon (Father Shimon) | Translation | YouTube
- Ofra Haza – Gavriel (Gabriel) | Translation | YouTube
- David Broza – Sigalyot (Violets) | Translation | YouTube
- Pe’er Tasi – Mi Ani (Who Am I) | Translation | YouTube
- Hanan Ben Ari – Cholem Kmo Yosef (Dreams Like Joseph) | Translation | YouTube
- Ilanit – Bashana Haba’a (Next Year) | Translation | YouTube
YouTube Playlist: Click Here