Our look back into the best Israeli music of the past Jewish year continues! Last week, we shared the most popular Israeli songs of the year as voted on by Galgalatz listeners. But those aren’t necessarily the songs that received the most radio airplay overall! This week, we take a look at the Hebrew songs that were heard most often on all radio stations in Israel in 5782…and the results may surprise you! (Original Air Date: October 9, 2022)
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Israel Hour Radio Podcast – Episode #1133 – Playlist
- Aviv Gefen & Ella Lee – Varod Mavrik (Bright Pink) | Translation | YouTube
- Eliad – Ein Me’ushar Mimeni (There’s No One Happier Than Me) | Translation | YouTube
- Narkis – Holechet Itcha (Walking With You) | Translation | YouTube
- Agam Buchbut – Bati Lehatzil Otach (I Came To Save You) | Translation | YouTube
- Idan Raichel – Evan Al Evan (Stone On a Stone) | Translation | YouTube
- Noa Kirel & Itai Galo – Pa’amon (Bell) | Translation | YouTube
- Eden Hason – Bo’i Nishan Al Zeh (Let’s Sleep On It) | Translation | YouTube
- Omer Adam – Chatzi Dafuk (Half Stupid) | Translation | YouTube
- Lior Narkis & Narkis – Echad LaMillion (One In a Million) | Translation | YouTube
- Ishay Ribo – Sibat HaSibot (Creator of the Universe) | Translation | YouTube
- Static & Ben-El feat. Netta Barzilai – Efes Ma’amatz (Zero Effort) | Translation | YouTube
- Avraham Tal & Benaia Barabi – Mi Lo Yavo (Who Won’t Come) | Translation | YouTube
YouTube Playlist: Click Here