The weeks after Passover are an emotional roller coaster in Israel, taking us on a gut-wrenching journey from the lowest depths to the highest highs. It all begins this week with Yom HaShoa – Holocaust Remembrance Day, a day to remind us of the greatest tragedy the Jewish people have suffered in history. While the day will be marked by Holocaust programs around the world, there’s something very special about the way it’s observed in Israel – in art, literature, film, television, and especially music. Join us this week for an Israeli musical response to the Shoa -enabling us to NEVER FORGET. (Original Air Date: April 24, 2022)
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Israel Hour Radio Podcast – Episode #1119 – Playlist
- Subliminal & Miri Ben Ari – Adon Olam Ad Matai (Master of the Universe, How Much Longer?) | Translation | YouTube
- Sarit Hadad – KsheHalev Boche (When the Heart Cries) | Translation | YouTube
- Tzila Dagan – Halicha L’kaisaria | Translation | YouTube
- Chava Alberstein – L’chol Ish Yesh Shem (Everyone Has a Name) | Translation | YouTube
- Idan Amedi – Mamshich Litz’od (Continuing to March) | Lyrics | YouTube
- Noa Kirel – Ima Sheli (My Mother) | Translation | YouTube
- Eden Ben Zaken – Zeh Lo Sipur, Zeh Historia (This Is Not a Story, It’s History) | YouTube
- Miri Mesika, Amir Benayun, David D’or – HaAcharon She’nishar (The Last One Remaining) | Lyrics | YouTube
- Arkadi Duchin – HaSored HaAcharon (The Last Survivor) | Translation | YouTube
- Roni Dalumi – Efer V’avak (Ashes and Dust) | Translation | YouTube
- Yehuda Poliker – KsheTigdal (When You Grow Up) | Translation | YouTube
- Shai Gabso – Arim Roshi (I Will Raise My Head) | Translation | YouTube
- Koolulam – Chai (Alive) | Translation | YouTube
- Hatikvah (The Hope) | Translation | YouTube
YouTube Playlist: Click Here