Israeli recently celebrated Yom HaAliyah – a national holiday celebrating those who have immigrated to Israel from around the world. Today on Israel Hour Radio, we salute those who have “come home”, with great Israeli songs celebrating Aliyah, Hebrew, and living in Israel! You’ll hear some amazing, patriotic songs by Sarit Hadad, Ilanit, Hatikva 6, Ofra Haza and many more! Do you have an ‘aliyah story’? Ever considered moving to Israel? Tell us your thoughts about life in the Holy Land! (Original Air Date: 10/25/20)
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Israel Hour Radio Podcast – Episode #1063 – Playlist
- Sarit Hadad – Baruch Haba L’yisrael (Welcome To Israel) | Translation | YouTube
- HaProyect Shel Revivo – Shir Hashayara (Song of the Caravan | Translation | YouTube
- Yehoram Gaon – Shalom Lach Eretz Nehederet (Hello To You, Wonderful Country) | Translation | YouTube
- Shevet Achim Va’achayot (A Tribe of Brothers and Sisters) | Translation | YouTube
- Yossi Banai & Rivka Michaeli – Ivrit Kasha Safa (Hebrew Is a Difficult Language) | Lyrics | YouTube
- Hatikva 6 – HaIvrit HaChadasha (The New Hebrew) | Translation | YouTube
- Lahakat HaNachal – Shir HaSlang (The Slang Song) | Rough Translation | YouTube
- Yaldei Beit Ha’etz (with Ayala Ingedashet) – Ima Sapri Li (Mother, Tell Me) | Lyrics | YouTube
- Lahakat Magafayim – Mizug Galuyot (Blending of the Exiles) | Lyrics | YouTube
- Maccabeats – Megilat Ha’atzmaut Israel’s Declaration of Independence) | Text | YouTube
- Ofra Haza – Goral Echad (One Destiny) | Translation | YouTube
- Doron Mazar – Ani Chozer Habayta (I Am Returning Home) | Translation | YouTube
- Ilan V’ilanit – V’shuv Itchem (With You Again) | Translation | YouTube
- HaGivatron – Ani Banu Artza (We Came To the Land) | YouTube
- Ilanit – Yisraelit (Israeli) | Translation | YouTube